
Overheard in Costco

Recently while in Orange County I had to go to a Costco to purchase some items (masochism). I was in the disposable cup/plate/etc area when two women entered the aisle, one in her late 50s and the other in her late 40s. They were trying to find some cups for something. Real conversation, verbatim:

50s lady: Hmm, what about these?
[50s lady lifts a sleeve of cups into the air for 40s lady to observe from down the aisle]
40s lady: No those are gay.


  1. most cups are homosexual... if you want to go hetero you have to really do some searching.

  2. Then she probably shouldn't be buying any cups at all, or SHE'S gay.

  3. hetero cups are much easier to find in small pockets of the country...usually coastal regions like san francisco and provincetown. they like to herd together.
