
I hear it's your birthday

So today a few things happened.

1. I turned 24
2. I slept somewhere in the realm of 12 hours
(including 2 hour nap)
3. I officially started a new apartment search

I don't know how it happened. I had been digging my heels in forever, but somehow it took place naturally in my mind and soul. I'm not talking about maturation of myself as a young woman, I'm talking about moving. I love my apartment in a lot of ways--we have a friendly beer exchange with a neighboring apartment, the lint trap is always clean when I use it. It's nice. But it's also a touch expensive, and we don't need two bedrooms (a dusty, never used study). We tried to get into the one bedroom in the building, but the landlord has had a two bedroom available for months and doesn't want to condone/help in the emptying of another (slightly awkward). So...we took our sights elsewhere, and admittedly found a really quaint bungalow that would save us each about $200 a month. two-hun-der-ed dol-lars. A lot of money, especially considering my new financial situation. We're applying, hoping, but also looking at about 10 other places.

Lordy, it begins.